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Christine Garabedian

It is an amazing experience to watch what faith does in our lives. God gives us a seed of faith so tiny, like a mustard seed, which grows into something that lives on into the eternal. It is a massive expanse that which we can never truly understand. God, being infinite, gives us a seed of the knowledge of the hope that allows us to know him.  Having this knowledge of him, is the vehicle which draws us to know him and grow into a relationship with him.  It is through our communication with God and of our reading of the Holy Scriptures which should provoke us to live as Jesus Christ did and calls us to follow. Even in the most dark and vulnerable of times, God is working through the adversities of this age to grow us up and draw us into a deeper knowledge of who he is. 

By accepting his grace through faith, we can have a deep and eternal relationship with God the Father. Though at best, our faith is tiny in this world, and as we suffer through the fear and pain of this life, we may feel that faith is nothing at all.  We can also fall into a false faith of wishful thinking, but it is nothing but a lie.  Standing in the one and only faith and hope that is Jesus Christ is all we need.  We need to embrace truth for what is says and does because without it life is a prison. Life can not be existing without faith. There is no life in prison because there is no freedom.  Our hope is anchored in Jesus Christ and we have all the variables that are necessary to get us through this lifetime.  Though we may suffer from time to time, we know faith will always win, because faith is invincible. Christ has conquered death and evil has no stronghold on those who have died to self and live for him.  All that is evil and false is a weak attempt to snatch us away from God’s hands.  It is weak because nothing can separate us from the love of God. We have been given a foundation that can never ever be broken.  Be sure to cling to the one who always holds you in his hand, protects you and keeps you eternally bound to his life. It is time for us to break our bad habit of wishful thinking and convenient comfort that only subdues the yearning of our hearts to grow in Christ.  We need our souls to be alert and aware of the schemes of darkness and lies. 

If we would only be honest with ourselves, we would wake up from this awful nightmare of the American dream and see that we are swimming in lies and drowning in our fears.  Ask yourself if you have compromised your faith for a better view on the other side of the fence.  It is incredibly deceiving and looks so delicious to our hungering souls.  Truth be told, only God can satisfy our souls wonderfully and perfectly. When Jesus approached the Samaritan woman at the well, he said he had living water for her that would satisfy her. “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” Jesus again replies to her, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.” 

Flesh desires what the flesh desires and the spirit need to be filled with the Holy Spirit.  It only takes faith the size of a mustard seed to receive the eternal God and the work of the Holy Spirit to carry us through to the home we are truly seeking. It starts out so small and seemingly insignificant but it is an ember to an eternal fire in our hearts for a faith that is out of this world!


1 Comment

Heidi Chiavaroli
Heidi Chiavaroli
Mar 22, 2024

Thank you for the reminder that nothing can separate us from the love of God. As a young believer, I don't know how many sinner's prayers I said to make sure it stuck. This truth is what set me free!

I also appreciate you addressing suffering. As I was going through a time of recent suffering, I realized that I was asking a lot of "Why's." But the Lord in His grace drew me close in the midst of the suffering. It dawned on me that that alone was a beautiful testament to my pain.

No matter where we are on our journey of faith, I love the reminder that all we need is that initial mustard seed. Thank you,…


West Dighton Christian Church is passionate about helping people find their way back to God and grow in their relationship with God and others. We believe God is calling us to deeply impact our church family with a greater understanding of God’s Word and its practical application, motivating us to introduce Jesus to our communities by authentic love and service without strings attached.


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North Dighton Massachusetts 02764



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