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What exactly does a “devoted follower” or a “disciple of Jesus” look like? Unfortunately, a follower of Christ is often described by what they do rather than who they are. Following Jesus is more than doing religious things


- it is allowing God to fundamentally transform us in every aspect of who we are.

Jesus said the greatest commandment is to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matthew 22:37).



So being a follower of Jesus must have to do with loving God and others. The chart below shows what a follower of Jesus should be striving for. However, this is a target. In order to be fully transformed in these areas it will take a lifetime of daily devotion and commitment to Him.

At WDCC we are developing a process to help you grow from right where you are in your walk with Jesus. We believe that Christian maturity (empowered by God's Spirit) is accomplished through connecting, growing, serving and going. Specifically, at WDCC, we accomplish this by committing to the vision we believe God has revealed to us at this time.

Anchor life


 These small groups will meet in various locations to study the Scriptures, pray, encourage one another and serve.  We encourage you to become part of one of these groups or even host one in your home.


LIFE GROUP Schedules, locations and topics, will be posted  HERE when they become available

Anchor grow


GROW SEMINARS are one shot events designed to give you a shot in the arm for your spiritual growth. Scheduled seminars will be posted on the events calendar.  Presently we have 4 seminars that are offered at WDCC.They are:


  • FOUNDATIONS: This is our basic membership class for those considering membership or just want to know what we are all about. Topics include the nature of the church, the meaning of salvation, the Lord's Supper, baptism and the mission and vision of WDCC.


  • ELEMENTS: This seminar explores Christian 'disciplines' that are neessary for our personal spiritual growth. We focus on the disciplines of the Word, Fellowship, Prayer, Service, Solitude, and Stewardship


  • PLACE: Is our spiritual gift discovery process. This seminar is unique, in that it consists of two sections: a group class and an individual counseling section where we further define your possible 'gift-mix.'


  • DISCOVERING YOUR DARK SIDE: Designed mainly for leadership but would benefit anyone. We explore personal dysfunctions that could impact our ministries and family. Understanding, identifying and redeeming these dysfunctions are thoroughly studied.


  • SHARE JESUS WITHOUT FEAR: Simply put, this course will give you some vasic tools and strategies for your personal evangelism.

Anchor student


UNITY exists as a safe place where youth are able to come and grow in their knowledge of who God is as individuals, and as a group. Our goal is to create God honoring community between the youth, as well as, West Dighton Christian church. We seek to build their personal relationship with Christ and to equip them to accomplish the great works God has set before them.


Please check out our mission statement to learn more about what God has called us to and feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.

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