We are located on the corner of Horton Street and Wellington Street in West Dighton. Worship services are located in the church hall adjacent to the parking lot (not in the church building). The offices, lounge and childcare areas are also located in the hall.
When you come to WDCC you will find that our worship services have a pretty laid back feel. So come as you are. You wiill find uplifting music directed to God and a message from the pastor that is based in the Word of God with practical application for your life. We gather together every Sunday at 10:00 to worship God but it doesn't stop there. Worship is not something you go to it is something you live out. Billy Graham once said. "The highest form of worship is the worship of unselfish Christian service. The greatest form of praise is the sound of consecrated feet seeking out the lost and helpless."
Join us for worship as we gather and continue to do so when we scatter.
We have connect cards in the church for you to fill out so we can get to know you. Drop them in the offering plate or hand them to the pastor. You can also fill the form HERE. We would love to get to know you. Rest assured, all information gathered is confidential and will only be seen by the pastor and elders unless you give permission.
West Dighton Christian Church
2767 Horton Street
North Dighton, Massachusetts 02764
Office: 508.252.9066
Our Sunday Worship Services are held in the Church Hall.
Sunday Worship Service
Every Sunday at 10:00 AM.
With a mixed contemporary worship style and relaxed atmosphere. We have traditional seating and round tables if you prefer. The Lord's Supper is held the first Sunday of the month followed by a fellowship meal. You are welcome to stay. We would love to get to know you.